Tuesday, 19 May 2009

dental work

I had my tooth filled just because the dentist recommended that I did it now so I don't have severe tooth aches later on. Since I have a very low threshold for pain, I gave in to her advice and had two of my teeth filled.

two weeks later:
I can now feel hot or cold drinks inside my teeth (new development) and can not help wondering if i created a problem for my self that was non existent before now, and even paid for that problem to be created sef.

I have read several things on the internet and hope that this is normal but I'll have to wait and see.....

I was also told I have a slight gum infection which needs to be treated or else i run the risk of having my teeth fall out one after the other. The question i keep asking myself now is 'should i ignore this?' After all, my parents and grandparents never saw dentists and they managed to keep all their teeth till VERY late in life, in fact my parents still have all theirs complete and i don't remember them brushing their teeth more than once a day.

so is living in 'obodo oyinbo' making my teeth more prone to falling out???


O'Dee said...

Hello brown sugar,

Welcome to blogville!

Read through all your posts & i'm more that happy you have evolved from not knowing what love is, to experiencing love.

Do blog about your wedding, cos we in blogville just love weddings.

Glad studio5i was an inspiration to you, hopefully sanni st will do much more.

Do take the advice of your dentist. Your parents did not eat all the ijekuje we eat now.

O'Dee said...

I really like the picture on your blog header.

Kémi Penélopê said...

All I go advice bi say, make u try dey visit Oga Dentist once in a while. I sabi say 9ja pipo just dread dem but wetin we go do...

downtheaisle said...

first time here, welcome on the journey down the aisle, its one of the major steps in life, for me I call it my step of Faith down the aisle.
I will always stop by your blog.

Also, thanx for being inspired by my blog, infact it was O'dee(studio5i) dat inspired me too.

isha said...

Welcome Brown Sugar!

Congrats on your upcoming nuptials. I'm sure you're excited and nervous all together at the same time. Don't worry there've been a lot of weddings on Blogville of late, so I'm sure that a lot of people would be able to help out one way or another. Just make sure you put out the questions/concerns. These blogville folk are just unbelievable amazing people.

Good to have you around. God be with you and crown all your plans with a successful wedding ceremony and marriage.

isha said...

Oh yeah, about your teeth (Lol, I was just to excited about the wedding)...

Try a salt and warm water rinse every morning and evening. Those pains kinda come with the treatment but the rinse goes a long way. (The kinda rememdies that our parents and grandparents were used to).

Hope you feel better soon.

Your blog header photo is absolutely lovely.

isha said...

You might be interested in this wedding competition by two top wedding/event planners in Lagos. If you win the competition they take care of your entire wedding plans FREE - http://weddingvogue.blogspot.com/2009/05/wedding-vogue-throws-2-weddings.html

Brown Sugar Babes said...

I must say that i was shocked at the number of comments since i last logged in here.

Update on tooth filling: feels normal again. infact, i sometimes forget that i have had it. This must be good.

I will def be seeing the denist more often going forward. (Thanks for the advice all)

Thanks Isha, I am def excited now but not yet nervous. I dont know if i ever will to be honest

and oh....i think i will start the rinsing business.


I always wonder how our parents and their parents managed to hold onto their teeth well into their old age without regular dental visits, flossing and the like.

Oh well. How are you?

Yankeenaijababe said...

Hope you feel better. I hate anything with the tooth, am on your side. Enjoy the rest of the week.

Anonymous said...

im kinda late here! been feelin scared stiff of the dentist.